All the heroes in Hitchcock movies are suave, smooth, debonair and ice-cool in a crisis. Not in my real life.

Crisis Management Mansplained.

I woke up to Lou calling out my name,
Deep from sleep my fogged-up brain came,
I saw my sweet spouse clinging to the wall,
I felt my heart leap, then start to free-fall,
Says she evenly 'better give the Doc a call.'

Hands flew to my Flip-top, I dropped it cold-
Can't make the call if I've no phone to hold-
Lou looked at the floor as I hard scrabbled,
Fingers fumbled as I cursed and babbled,
Prayers to find my phone garbled and gabbled.

Found the f- flipping thing, called a Paramedic,
My rabid request for assistance, less than poetic,
My usual smooth silver tongue turned traitor,
How did the receptionist not need a translator?
Anyways, a 'medic arrived a few minutes later.

Kara sat down, went through the tests
For strokes, clots and cardiac arrests,
I looked on fretfully, trying to bravely cope,
My cool equanimity on a slippery slope,
And Kara looked up from her stethoscope...

She said to me 'I'm going to give
The patient a quick acting sedative,
It's not serious, but you must know
Your Lou is suffering a bout of vertigo,
And to our clinic you two should go.'

She sternly said 'take these pills, as directed,
Two of these will keep her calm and collected,'
She gave two to Lou and tossed three to me,
'Lou's slightly dizzy, but you're all in a tizzy,'
Lou pithily said 'no man for a crisis, is he?'

                  'Give me strength to deal with my light-headed  affliction'

'Woke up in a panic,
Like someone's fired a gun,
I wish I could be dreaming,
But the nightmares just begun.'
The Kinks 'State Of Confusion.'

Folks, don't be concerned, my Lou is recovering well enough. Taking it easy, lots of rest, avoiding quick movements, pressing cold compresses on the fevered brow. She's doing one hell of a job- I should be up and about soon enough...


16 thoughts on “All the heroes in Hitchcock movies are suave, smooth, debonair and ice-cool in a crisis. Not in my real life.

  1. Lou pithily said ‘no man for a crisis, is he?….that could be your best line ever.
    I’m so happy to this day that Jennifer was induced to have Bailey. I can’t imagine waking up in a panic…I would be running over people everywhere getting to the hospital.
    I’m glad it wasn’t too serious anyway…I have read where that can really mess with you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yep, luckily it seems she’ll be all good. Not the best way to start the day off with, the mind goes to all sorts of dark places and scenarios.

      The birth of your kid/s is one of the things that leaves a guy so helpless feeling. Not that I’d swap jobs then and there 😬 but you can’t do anything but stand there and get screamed at and get in the Docs way.

      I’m exaggerating my idiocy in the post more than a little- hey, it makes for a good story- but panic was trying to break through for a while. The strange thing is Lou went to the Doctors today for a check-up and her Doc had a vertigo attack herself and has some first-hand advice if it happens again.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh yea…helpless and get screamed at…you summed it up perfectly!
        I know it could be scary. I had an inner ear problem before and I thought something was terribly wrong…so I can relate to her.
        Oh yea panic would…you feel helpless and it’s nothing you can “fix” or repair.
        At least the doc can feel her pain.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes you do! I always think of the worse thing…never fails over anything. My docter gave me an order….don’t research and don’t google.

            Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, it can happen randomly- sometimes a blow to the head when you fall on an icy sidewalk, (as happened to my brother-in-law,) sometimes it just hits out of the blue- or, since it was 6AM, out of the black. But if it happens again I’ll be ready to leap into action and panic all over again!

      No, seriously, I feel I dealt with it reasonably well, kept Lou calm enough. But trying to appear calm myself was a bit of an ask, and that’s where the (slight!) exaggeration of the story came from.


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