Into every life a little sodding rain must fall.

Smiling Through, Sort Of.

Dear folks, sorry I haven't written much lately,
But of late I ain't seen much to cheer me up greatly,
Seems I've misplaced my good humour and funny bone,
I strain at my brain, I mightily try-
This man's Good Humour's in short supply-
I summon my fancifully flighty muse to fly-
Still it plummets like a stone.

I'm sure, given time, I'll return with my sunny outlook
But currently these winter blues could fill a second book,
And since I turn to ugly sarcasm when bereft of anything wittier
Rather than offer more from the sad sack
I'll wait till a lighter brighter tone creeps back,
I'll leave off writing this load of crap cack
Till the words flow a little prettier.

(Not so much deep gloom and doom, more a mild seasonal bout of winter depression.
Shit It happens.)

'I've got the paper, got the ink, but to think of something funny? Not an inkling.'

'Look-ee, look-ee I can see a ray of sunshine shining,
I can feel a rainbow coming, deep in my mind,
I believe in the sunshine
Even when it rains.'
Roger Miller 'I Believe In The Sunshine.'


28 thoughts on “Into every life a little sodding rain must fall.

    1. I’ll see if many lumens make light work of the dimness. It’s no black dog depression or anything, just the blues. I HATE the cold, the grey skies- every year I notice this lethargy in writing at this time. Literally bums me out.

      My wife says my lazy grumpy ass just needs a reboot!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. She already booted you with the left and now she’s going to use the right? I have one (the 10k lux light, not the boot, although I do have those also) and used to use it at work when I was stuck in a cubicle, and it did improve my mood (as much as a mood in a cubicle can be improved.)

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Lol. I’ll look into the lights- no, that sounds like some 60s spy movie interrogation technique. I’ll investigate further. God, the joy of the cubicle- I worked as a mail sorter, one of row on row of other drones, each with a stack of mail to sort, each of us hooked up to a life support system of Walkmans and a day or nights worth of cassettes.

          Liked by 2 people

  1. Right! It is getting to winter there. I hear ya, it certainly got to me in Canada. Lisa’s lightbulb idea may really help…like a metaphorical good idea one going on in your head.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, it’s a brig- a good idea. It peeves me, but I know it’s only temporary/seasonal, part of everyday ordinary life. It never happens on holiday, and I’ve suffe- spent two crispy cold Christmases in Edinburgh, so if it was only the weather that should have dragged me down.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, we too get a decent choice. Summer hot Nor Westers, most of the time a prevailing Easterly, or Southerlies straight off the Antarctic. Always a bloo- bothersome zephyr of some sort.


  2. Always good to hear from you Ob. On Lisa’s suggestion, I can’t speak from experience but I always thought seeing that bright light was a bad sign! Don’t be a stranger and keep your stick on the ice as we like to say in your old homeland!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heh heh, yeah, if I see a bright light on a stairway going up, up, up on high, and hear ethereal heavenly music I’m heading back the other way!

      I’ll be back, just need a little self imposed time out. If you find your hobby is becoming a bore, or worse, a chore, it’s time to jack it in for a while. Till the desire to blather on returns. And it always does.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good or sad mood… it’s always a great read here. I forgot…as we are starting summer…you are starting winter. It boggles my pointy head to think you have your winter in July! I’m amazed you guys get snow…on an island. Of course when I think of an island…you probably know what I think of…and his name was Gilligan.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. I have a daughter, her husband and beautiful grandson living in Scotland and it continues to be mainly rainy there too. I know it’s Scotland where it is expected to be less than tropical, but Italy- at least from what I’ve read- should be bathed in sunshine by now. But the weather will always do whatever it wants to!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You’re right: the weather will always do whatever it wants!
            Italy seems divided in two: excessive heat in the south and bad weather in the north. but it seems that things are about to improve here


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