Silly six word book and film summaries and/or plot points.

A change-up from the usual rhyming stuff; hey, who doesn’t need to break out now and then?

1/ Alice Through The Looking Glass... Alice falls down, goes to Crazytown.
2/ Wuthering Heights...  Cathy's unhappy home, Heathcliffe's moody manor.
3/ Moby Dick... footloose old sailor, avast! Whale tale.
4/ Fifty Shades Of Grey... modern bodice ripper; boy mistreats girl.
5/ Silence Of The Lambs...  Hannibal offers Clarice a gristly story.
6/ Frankenstein...  Doc makes monster- goes on fritz.
7/ The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon... lost girls nightmare. Tough to bear?
8/ The Bible... Big Fella's best seller. (Popular Fiction.)
9/ It's Not About The Bike (early pre-fallen hero Lance Armstrong ego-boosting bio)...  drug pedaling Tour De Fraud loser.
10/ The Three Musketeers... Three musketeers? Add D'Artagnan, go fourth!
11/ Psycho... Crane gets stuffed at Moms Motel.
12/ The Help... recipe for disaster; fudging the ingredients.
13/ Falling Down... trafficking in misery; white collar crime.
14/ The Iron Lady... Right warmongering steely cold Falklands bitch.
15/ Die Hard... Secret Santa presence-party's a blast!
16/ The Shawshank Redemption... prisoner stonewalled, comes to inescapable conclusion.
17/ 1917... war is hell, takes- interminably long.
18/ The Lake House... love letters, years late. Silly stuff.
19/ Titanic... couple meet over icebreaker. Chilly stuff.
20/ The Shape Of Water... oddballs hookup, love wins. Gilly stuff.
21/ ET: The Extra-Terrestrial... alien lands, makes friends, heartwarming stuff.
22/ The War Of The Worlds... aliens land, make war, snuff it.
23/ Alien... spacemen versus monster; Dream Weaver's nightmare.
24/ Jurassic Park... long-lost resort revived, guests left enRaptored.

Any more to add? put 'em in the comments, the more the merrier!

"War And Peace' is doin' my head in- and these are just the Cliff notes!?'


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